Services We Offer

Functional Medicine is a relatively new approach to Health and Wellness. You don’t have to live with unwanted symptoms and accept them. Here we will work to find the underlying causes of why you are not feeling your best and address those. We offer a wide array of services.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women

BHRT isn’t a drug treatment; it’s a natural way to replenish the hormones in your body that have diminished over time. By doing this, BHRT can reverse the symptoms caused by hormone deficiencies. Having your hormones in balance will leave you feeling younger, happier, and ready to take on anything life throws your way.

Bioidentical hormones are derived from plants and engineered to mimic the hormones your body produces on its own. With bioidentical hormones, your body should not be able to tell the difference between the hormones it has and the bioidentical ones. Bioidentical hormones not only correct your hormone levels, but they also do it without the serious health risks associated with synthetic hormones. READ MORE…

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men

Women aren’t the only ones who can have hormone imbalances. As men age, they experience what’s known as Andropause (from Andras, male and pause, cessation). Andropause can bring about lower testosterone levels, leading to a decrease in vitality, sexual satisfaction, and well-being.

You may think that these changes are unavoidable as you age, but that’s not the case. The exact cause of your low vitality can be discovered and corrected with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy at Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine. READ MORE…

woman with sleep problems

Thyroid Disorders and Treatment

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the lower front of your neck, below the Adam’s Apple. The thyroid releases hormones into the bloodstream. These hormones are then carried to every organ in your body to control metabolism and regulate body temperature.

The thyroid hormone regulates vital body functions, including breathing, heart rate, nervous system, body weight, muscle strength, and cholesterol levels. So a poorly functioning thyroid can bring on an array of symptoms: feeling cold when others don’t; feeling weak, sad, or depressed; being tired when you’ve had plenty of sleep; gaining unwanted weight; and various other symptoms.

T3 is THE active thyroid hormone in the body. T3 is, therefore, the most basic rate-limiting factor for energy production in our cells. Research shows that most people over the age of 50 are deficient in T3, and lack of T3 has been implicated in many chronic disease states.

Together with cortisol from the adrenals, our mitochondria depend upon T3 and cortisol to aid in fat breakdown and provide our cells with maximum energy. T3, therefore, is NECESSARY to maintain mitochondrial health and survival!

Sleep cycle with labeled night stages and phases description outline diagram. Educational scheme with biological brain and body processes vector illustration. Delta waves, deep relax and eye movement.

Adrenal Fatigue Treatment

The leading cause of Adrenal Fatigue is stress. When you experience stress, the adrenal glands go into “fight or flight” mode, pumping out cortisol and adrenaline, increasing your heart rate and breathing. You’re effectively in “survival mode.” Once the stressful situation has passed, your adrenal glands stop releasing these hormones and your body returns to normal operation.

The problem comes when stress levels go from just once in a while to all the time. In modern life, with pandemics, economic stress, and information overload, it’s no wonder so many are dealing with more stress than they can handle. Being in a constant state of stress causes the fight-or-flight system to overproduce stress hormones, and the system starts to break down. READ MORE…

Sexual Function

Do you enjoy sex as much as you used to? Are you interested in sex, but your body won’t cooperate? Maybe you’re not interested, but wish you were? Are sexual issues hampering your relationships?

You’re not alone. Sexual dysfunction is a common problem for both men and women, particularly as you age. But you don’t have to live with this problem. There are solutions to improve your sexual function, and they can help you faster than you might think. READ MORE…

Menstrual and Ovulation Disorders

Are you experiencing menstrual or ovulation problems? If so, you may have a lot of questions. What causes irregular ovulation? How do you know if you’re ovulating if you have irregular periods? It can be a stressful situation, and that stress can lead to a continuation of the menstrual and ovulation disorders you’re trying to handle.

Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine is here to help. Dr. Kathryn Wood is certified by the Reproductive Health Research Institute (RHRI). With compassion and care, she will assess the underlying hormonal issues associated with your particular situation and create a treatment plan to help you recover a healthy hormonal balance. READ MORE…

Sleep cycle with labeled night stages and phases description outline diagram. Educational scheme with biological brain and body processes vector illustration. Delta waves, deep relax and eye movement.

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